Ultrasound and X-Ray guided injections allow the practitioner to visualize the needle in real time as it enters the body and traverses to the desired location. This assures that the medication is accurately injected at the intended site. The doctor i...
Spinal fusion is a procedure that permanently joins two or more vertebrae in your spine, preventing them from moving.
Techniques for spinal fusion are aimed to mirror the natural healing process of damaged bones. During spinal fusion, your surgeon...
During a transforaminal injection, a small-gauge blunt needle is inserted into the epidural space through the bony opening of the existing nerve root. The needle is smaller than that used in a traditional epidural procedure. The surgery is carried ou...
Endoscopic discectomy is a minimally invasive surgical treatment that is used to remove herniated disc material that is causing discomfort in the lower back and legs (lumbar), the mid back (thoracic), or the neck and arms (neck and arms) (cervical).